So there is a saying “with great risk comes great reward” Well I’m not sure how great the risk was, but driving 2.5 hrs on a hope that the forecast was right and the rain would stop before our session was pretty risky for me! LOL… Well if it had been for someone else I may have backed down and rescheduled but I knew it could pay off big and I knew that these guys had faith in me and would roll with it! Well on a VERY foggy evening in the peaceful Cape May, NJ we got our reward! We selected the outfits from the 4-5 that were laid out to choose from (awesome job Mom)! These dresses were made for this type of day!! We headed outside and got started. the little one wasn’t too keen on the whole sand thing but she warmed up to it and we came away with way more than we could have ever hoped for! I love when people have an open mind! Often my favorite images come from sessions that pose the most difficult challenges! This one of course being that you couldn’t see the water from the life guard stand during most of the session! LOL! Thanks for being awesome “B” Family!! I also was fortunate enough to witness an amazing sunset on the way home! Simply nature showing off at it’s best!!